Valentine’s Gift Guide for Her

Uh, how is it already February?! It’s absolutely wild to think Valentine’s Day is TEN days away! It feels like it was just Christmas, and that’s probably because it basically was just Christmas. But with Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, and knowing that inevitably, there’s always last minute shoppers out there, I compiled a list of Valentine’s Day gifts for the lady in your life that you’re going to be shopping for, or really, for whoever you think would like these kind of gifts! There’s something available for everyone’s budget on this list, so without further ado, let’s get to the goods!:

Valentine’s Gifts for Her


1. Blush Pink Scrunchie | 2. Heart Clutch | 3. Heart Necklace | 4. Lace Bralette | 5. Heart-Shaped Sunglasses | 6. Red Lipstick | 7. Passport Holder | 8. Pave 14K Gold Heart Earrings | 9. Hearts & Stripes Reading Socks | 10. Heart Sweater | 11. Fraiche Food Full Hearts Cookbook | 12. kate spade new york iPhone XS Case | 13. Heart Mug | 14. Red Scrunchie

What To Get For…

A New Love: Are you in a new relationship this Valentine’s Day? If you are, sometimes you don’t always know what they really like (other than you!), what they could use, or maybe you’re still trying to get to know each other on a deeper level. Some great ideas for you to get for your new love or relationship in your life include: a Scrunchie (Red or Blush) to keep their hair up without damage, a Heart Mug for them to sip their tea or coffee from, a Passport Holder if they like to travel (or even if they don’t, everyone needs a passport holder!) & a nice Red Lipstick - everyone can use the perfect red lipstick.

Your Longtime Love: We all know too well, Valentine’s Day comes around every year, and sometimes you just do not know what to get your significant other. You’ve been together for a while, and you’d like to give them something personal, and not just another box of chocolates & a bottle of wine. Perhaps you don’t even mind spending a little bit of cash on them! Some suggestions I would give include: a Lace Bralette, a new Valentine’s Day themed Phone Case from a designer they love, a Sweater that’s a little Valentine’s Day-looking & a Cookbook full of recipes you think they’d like.

Your Best Friend: I can’t be the only one out there who doesn’t love to give my best friend a little something from time-to-time to spoil them right? It’s a little something that goes a long way to make them feel appreciated, especially during a holiday that can feel quite lonely for some. Some great options I’d suggest to gift your best friend include: a Scrunchie in a colour you know they’ll love (scrunchies are really a great, affordable gift for almost anyone!), some cozy Reading Socks for when they want to get cuddled up during those cold February nights & some fun Heart-Shaped Sunglasses to help them add some spice to their outfit!

Budget, Budget, Budget.

Cheapest Gifts on the List: Heart Mug ($8.95 USD, approx. $11.69 CAD), Scrunchies/each ($19.99 CAD), Passport Holder ($22 CAD) & Fraiche Food Full Hearts Cookbook ($23.29 CAD, on sale).

Most Expensive Gifts on the List: Lace Bralette ($52.50 CAD), Heart Sweater ($67.30 CAD), Heart Clutch ($78.39 CAD) & Heart Necklace ($105.00 CAD).

Good Gift Pairings

1. Heart Earrings + Heart Necklace: If you’re looking to give a couple of pieces of jewelry that aren’t in the thousands of dollars range, gifting the Heart Earrings & Heart Necklace together make for a much more affordable heart-shaped-earrings-and-necklace combo than some jewelers sell. My only suggestion is to make sure whoever you’re buying for, does in fact like heart-shaped jewelry. A lot of people don’t!

2. Scrunchie + Fraiche Food Full Hearts Cookbook + Adorned Necklace: I have to safely assume that the very least, some of you who read my blog are also Jillian Harris fans considering she’s almost exclusively all I talk about on Instagram, haha! Well this one is for all of you who are big JH fans like me. A great gift for the Jillian fangirl in your life is her and her cousins Cookbook, a Scrunchie from one of her absolute favourite scrunchie-makers, Chelsea King and a customized Adorned Necklace, which is Jillian’s collaboration with Melanie Auld. Yes, I know this isn’t the necklace on the list, but it’s from the same jeweler, so I figured let’s throw it in there!

3. Heart Sweater + Lace Bralette: If you’re purchasing a Valentine’s Day gift for someone who is a self proclaimed lover of fashion, the perfect combo-gift is a lovely sweater for them to stay nice and warm during the cold month of February, but also a lace bralette to add a little sass. If the sweater is off the shoulder, the straps of the bralette will poke out and look extra cute!

4. Heart Clutch + Heart-Shaped Sunglasses + Red Lipstick: The first things anyone thinks of when they hear Valentine’s Day is hearts & red, that is without a doubt! So these three items together make the ultimate Valentine’s Day ensemble. The great part about having the sunglasses & clutch is that it definitely has the Valentine’s Day vibe, but allows you to pair it with a more simple looking outfit if you’re not really wanting to wear a bright red outfit during the the holiday!

5. Hearts & Stripes Reading Socks + Scrunchie + Heart Mug: This last combo is perfect for anyone who is a total homebody, just like me. The reading socks are perfect to keep your recipient nice and cozy, while sipping tea from their new heart mug & putting their hair up and out of the way with a scrunchie! You can tell I’ve really thought out this scenario here, huh? It’s definitely a sitting in bed, all cozied up, reading a book kind of vibe, so if you’re shopping for someone this Valentine’s Day who loves spending their spare time like this, these three items will make a fantastic gift.

That’s all for today’s post my friends! Valentine’s Day is one of my favourite things, and it’s definitely not because I’m in a relationship, in fact, I’ve even said before we don’t have to do Valentine’s Day gifts! It’s just a holiday I’ve always loved. (I have a little bit of an obsession with hearts - I literally have one tattooed on me). Are you going to be gifting this Valentine’s Day? If so, let me know if any of these items inspired you. Until next time! Xo.


* Note: Some links above are commissionable affiliate links.


Valentine’s Gift Guide for Him


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