Taking Time To Remember

Hi everyone, and welcome back to the blog. Today’s post is going to be pretty short & sweet as it’s Remembrance Day here in Canada, and this is a pretty important day for me, my family & many others. It’s also Veterans Day in the USA, and of course, I’d like to give space to these days of remembrance. If you’re not from any countries that have celebrations like Remembrance Day, it’s a day for us in Canada to have a moment of silence in tribute to the soldiers who served for the country, past & present.

Photo from World War II, Battle of the Atlantic.
War Memorial in downtown Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Photo Credit

Any other year, thousands of people in Canada go out to attend a Remembrance Day ceremony put on in their community, but the largest in Canada is in Ottawa, Ontario (which is the capital of Canada) at the tomb of the unknown soldier. Of course, with COVID being present in our lives this year, these celebrations may look & feel a little different than what we’re used to. This year, I highly encourage everyone to stay home and watch the ceremonies (if they’re still going on) on TV, and have your moment of silence at home as well. Of course, please donate & wear a poppy on Remembrance Day, and take a moment to reflect & give thanks.


I hope you all have a lovely, and safe Remembrance Day this year, and please continue to stay healthy. See you guys again on Friday for a new blog post where I’m going to be kicking off the holiday content with a fun gift guide that I’ve never done before!


Canadian Small Business Holiday Gift Guide


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