6 LGBTQIA2S+ Accounts That I Love Following

Happy Pride Month everyone! I’m definitely a little bit later with this post than I’d like to be, but I couldn’t let the month of June go by without celebrating Pride month, and sharing just a small handful of my favourite humans and/or businesses that are apart of the community. I’d like to start by saying that I, myself, am not a part of this community, but I have people in my life who are, and I fully support the community overall. I am by no means perfect, and I’m still always learning, but it’s better to try, learn something from it & better yourself than not try at all. So, let’s jump into some of my favourite LGBTQIA2S+ accounts!

No. 1

Jonathan Van Ness

Starting off this blog with one of my absolute favourite humans to have ever graced this planet — Jonathan Van Ness! I first learned about JVN from watching Queer Eye over the holidays, and I become fully obsessed with them, and their haircare line, JVN Hair (if you’re new here, check out two of my favourite blogs about JVN Hair here & here). JVN is truly just such a light, amazing person who always puts me in the best mood when I see their stories & posts online.

No. 2

BD Imaging

BDImaging makes the cutest gemstone jewelry, original designed face masks, and is also an insanely talented photographer. In fact, if you’ve been here before, you might recognize some of her photography because she’s also one of my best friends & takes most of the professional quality photos of me you’ll see around my website! If you’re looking to support a small, Canadian business run by an LGBTQIA2S+ individual, check out her Etsy shop!

No. 3

Dylan Mulvaney

If you’re on TikTok at all, there’s probably no way this sweet soul’s face hasn’t popped up on your for you page at least once. Dylan Mulvaney is a trans woman documenting her transition to Girlhood online which is not only incredible to share this experience for others who may be going through it, but teaching those of us who aren’t on this journey what it can be like. Dylan always, always, always puts a smile on my face whenever I see her smiley face on my for you page.

No. 4

The Fab Five

Do you feel like you’re having some déjà vu? Well, you’re not! I couldn’t write this post without including The Fab Five on the list. This amazing group of LGBTQIA2S+ members includes Jonathan Van Ness, Antoni Porowski, Karamo Brown, Bobby Berk and Tan France and I absolutely adore each of them in their own way. Much like Dylan, they all put such a huge smile on my face when I see their faces pop up on my social channels, and I actively find myself watching Queer Eye anytime I’m wanting a boost in my mood because they’re truly all such inspirational, sweet people!

No. 5

Jardines Domaine

Shifting gears for a second is two business accounts, Jardines Domaine & Jardines Domaine Home, which are owned by an LGBTQIA2S+ person, Anthony Salituro! Jardines Domaine carries beautiful, trendy clothing (if you remember the road trip dress from the summer 2021 Jilly Box, that’s from Jardines Domaine!), and Jardine Domaine Home carries that most beautiful collection of home decor items that I swoon over almost daily. This is again, a small, Canadian, LGBTQIA2S+ owned business that is 100% worth supporting!

No. 6

Carrie Dayton

Last, but certainly not least, is Carrie Dayton, one of my absolute favourite YouTubers who came out as bisexual in the last year. Her content is so fun, lighthearted but serious when it needs to be, and she’s just an absolute style icon! Her videos are generally focused around fashion, thrifting, body neutrality & lifestyle, and quite honestly, they always bring me so much joy! I always get so excited to see a new video from her, plus she has the cutest pets, Layla & Moo (except for Freddie… Freddie is the cutest).

This is truly just such a small, small drop in the bucket of how many incredible LGBTQIA2S+ people, accounts & businesses that are out there that are 100% worth supporting, but these are just some of my personal favourites. If you have any you want to mention, please drop them in the comments below! I’m always looking for new amazing accounts to follow & support, especially during the month of June. Again, Happy Pride Month to everyone! 🏳️‍🌈


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